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Fleet - przykład karty typu Projekt.

Projects, introduced in Renaissance, are special, permanent, buyable effects not attached to cards. Players can buy Projects during their Buy phase whenever they might instead buy a card or Event; if a player buys a Project, its bonus or special effect is activated for them for the rest of the game. When a player buys a Project, they put a wooden cube of their color on it, to track which Projects' effects they receive. Each player has only two cubes to put on Projects.

Projects are not Kingdom cards; including one or more Projects in a game does not count toward the 10 Kingdom card piles the Supply includes. In fact, Projects are not considered "cards" at all; any text referring to a "card" does not apply to Projects. However, the Project effects and costs are printed on cards in a landscape orientation with pink frames.

There are 20 Projects, any number of which may be used in a game of Dominion, though Donald X. recommends not using more than two total Projects, Events, Landmarks, Ways and Traits. When choosing a random Kingdom, the Projects may be shuffled into the randomizer deck or a separate sideways card deck.

Lista Projektów


Szablon:Navbox Renaissance

Typy kart w Dominion
Typy podstawowe AkcjaKlątwaSkarbZwycięstwo
Typy specjalne występujące
w wielu rozszerzeniach
Typy specjalne występujące
tylko w jednym rozszerzeniu
Nagroda | KnightLooterRuinsShelter | GromadzenieZamek | ReserveTraveller | DuchFatumLosNocPamiątkaZombie | AugurLiaisonOdysseyTownsfolk | Łup
Pozostałe typy specjalne ArtifactCechaKrajobrazŁaskaProjectStanUrokZdarzenie