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nazwa oryginalna:
Typ rozszerzenie
Karty 300
242 (24 zestawów)
inne karty
Elementy dodatkowe  
  • 40 żetonów Długu
  • 24 żetony 1
  • 12 żetonów 2
  • 20 żetonów 5
Motyw przewodni
Wydanie 8 lipca 2016 (oryginał)
luty 2017 (polska edycja)
Oficjalne zasady PDF

Empires is the tenth expansion to Dominion. The box contains 24 sets of Kingdom Cards. It introduces the Debt mechanic, Split piles, Gathering cards, and Landmarks. It also reintroduces tokens and Events.


Basic Supply Cards

  • Empires is only an expansion, so no Basic Supply Cards are included.

Kingdom cards

Dzielnica, Władca, Królewski kowal
Obozowisko/Zdobycz, Patrycjusz/Emporium, Osadnicy/Gwarna wioska
Zamki, Katapulta/Głazy, Wyścig rydwanów, Czarodziejka, Targ rolny, Gladiator/Fortuna
Ofiara, Świątynia, Willa
Archiwum, Kapitał, Klejnot, Korona, Forum, Ogrodnik, Legionista, Dziki gon

  • The pairs of cards separated by "/" are Split pile cards: 5 copies of the left card sit on top of 5 copies of the right card in the pile.
  • Castles are a Split pile with 8 differently named cards in ascending order of cost.

Additional materials

13 Events (1 each):

Aneksja, Datek
Zejście, Podatek
Rytuał, Solna klątwa

21 Landmarks (1 each):

Akwedukt, Arena, Fort rozbójników, Bazylika, Łaźnia, Pole bitwy, Kolumnada, Sprofanowane sanktuarium, Fontanna, Twierdza, Labirynt, Przełęcz, Muzeum, Obelisk, Sad, Pałac, Grobowiec, Wieża, Łuk triumfalny, Mur, Wilcze leże


Flavor Text

The world is big and your kingdom gigantic. It's no longer a kingdom really; it's an empire. Which makes you the emperor. This entitles you to a better chair, plus you can name a salad after yourself. It's not easy being emperor. The day starts early, when you light the sacred flame; then it's hours of committee meetings, trying to establish exactly why the sacred flame keeps going out. Sometimes your armies take over a continent and you just have no idea where to put it. And there's the risk of assassination; you have a food taster, who tastes anything before you eat it, and a dagger tester, who gets stabbed by anything before it stabs you. You've taken to staying at home whenever it's the Ides of anything. Still overall it's a great job. You wouldn't trade it for the world - especially given how much of the world you already have.

Cards Gallery

Kingdom Cards






Impact of Empires

Empires was the first "normal-sized" 300-card set since Hinterlands, and yet managed to introduce the most unique cards (and card-like objects) of any set so far, due to Split piles, Events and Landmarks. This, along with its heavy theme of and tokens, makes it probably the most complex set released in Dominion. As Adventures before it was intended as a Seaside sequel, Empires acts a Prosperity sequel, and like its predecessor, offers a great deal of tools for engines and Alt-VP strategies.

Like the increasingly complex sets that came before it, Empires broke new ground in terms of card effects and properties, such as a few new costs (including a and a ), a Duration that stays out for three turns, a card that returns you to your Action phase from your Buy phase, a handsize attack that makes you discard down to 2 cards in hand, an Attack that changes how your opponents' cards work, a way to prevent yourself from being able to buy anything for the rest of the game, a way to bid, sources of negative other than Curses, and the first Action-Treasure in the game.


The Debt mechanic allows players to buy certain cards and Events earlier than usual, while spreading the cost across future turns. This can shake up openings, though most of the Debt cards are not particularly useful early in the game. They are, however, almost all quite powerful in the mid- to late-game, and players ignore them at their peril.

Victory tokens

In Prosperity, tokens were introduced via three fairly simple cards, but there was still a fair amount of design space left to use with them. Empires takes the idea and runs with it, with almost half the set using tokens in one way or another. These cards give players many more options to victory other than simply working towards Provinces, adding much more variety to the game than the simple addition of more Kingdom cards.

Split piles

While the idea of more than one different card in a pile is not new, having been used in Dark Ages, the Knights and Ruins piles were each essentially variations on a single theme. Split piles, with two completely different cards in a pile, adds a new dynamic to the game. Having only 5 copies of a potentially key card adds competition, particularly in games with more than 2 players, and having to get through half the pile before being able to access the typically more powerful bottom cards also livens things up.


Where Adventures added Events, buyable effects not tied to cards in your deck, Empires adds Landmarks, allowing new scoring rules to be added to the game. While some can be innocuous, simply adding a few here and there, others, in particular the penalizing Landmarks, can drastically affect gameplay, and how players choose to go about their strategies.


Empires adds quite a lot of cards and Events that are friendly to engines:

  • Inżynier - gains engine components and can later remove itself
  • Dzielnica - a powerful drawing Willage
  • Władca - can emulate most engine pieces, and can be acquired early
  • Królewski kowal - the most powerful static terminal draw in the game
  • Obozowisko - an incredibly cheap Lost City
  • Patrycjusz - does well in high-cost engines
  • Emporium - rewards engine building
  • Gwarna wioska - gives the highest consistent number of Actions of any village
  • Wyścig rydwanów - does well in high-cost engines
  • Fortuna - arguably the most powerful card in the game, able to double the output of an engine
  • Ofiara - a powerful soft terminal trasher
  • Świątynia - a good trasher that also gains
  • Willa - allows for all sorts of engine shenanigans
  • Archiwum - allows an engine to function with little to no trashing
  • Kapitał - allows the early purchasing of expensive engine pieces
  • Klejnot - allows the gaining of multiple like-costed engine pieces, particularly ones costing
  • Korona - flexible, and allows for multiplying on more boards
  • Ogrodnik - functions best within an engine
  • Dziki gon - decent draw that also gains
  • Triumf - rewards engines that gain many things per turn
  • Datek - arguably the most powerful Event in the game, can get an engine going extremely quickly
  • Awans - allows the early gaining of expensive engine pieces
  • Solna klątwa - allows a player that is ahead to end the game quickly
  • Gratka - rewards an engine that can draw your entire deck
  • Dominacja - only realistically achievable with an engine
  • Kolumnada - rewards engines that rely on multiple copies of an Action
  • Labirynt - rewards engines that gain more than one card per turn
  • Sad - rewards engines with multiple copies of different Actions
  • Grobowiec - rewards trashing, which is usually essential for an engine
  • Wieża - rewards engines that three-pile
  • Łuk triumfalny - rewards engines with multiple copies of different Actions

Big Money

Empires has a few Big Money enablers:

However, Empires also has a couple Landmarks that actively penalize Big Money strategies:

Empires Theme

Empires is in some respects conceived as a sequel to Prosperity and shares many of the same structural themes: like Prosperity, it includes Victory tokens, a large number of Kingdom Treasure cards, and relatively few Attack cards.

There are also 13 Events:

There are also 21 Landmarks:


Donald X. stated a couple weeks before release that Empires has a Roman flavor in terms of theme. It is the first set to be released in the second edition layout style.

In other languages

  • Dutch: Keizerrijken
  • Finnish: Keisarikunta (lit. Empire - singular)
  • German: Empires
  • Polish: Imperium (lit. Empire - singular)

There are currently no plans to release Empires in French, despite there being French translations for every previous set.


A couple days before the teaser (which itself would come a couple days before actual previews), Donald X. dropped some news on changes in layout of cards.

Well this is unprecedented, but I'm not made of stone. Here are some spoilers about card layout.
  • A bigger font is used on cards that don't have lots of text.
  • "They" is used instead of "he."
  • +'s in the body of text are now in bold.
  • Card texts are more carefully centered than ever before.


Dominion: Empires has:

Secret History

One evening on a vacation, I paced around, the only one awake, thinking about what the future could possibly hold for Dominion. Was there anything great left to do? I jotted down some notes, then typed it all up when I got home.

Of the stuff I came up with, a few things went together, to make a kind of Złoty wiek sequel. It would have more tokens, those seemed like they had a lot more life in them than just those 3 Prosperity cards. Some "bonus" cards of some sort would award at the end of the game, like Kingdom Builder scoring methods. There would be giant expensive cards that you could pay for later. There would be cards that effectively didn't cost a Buy to buy. Special treasures could be a focus again. And there were three or so other ideas that did not actually make it. I like to tell the whole story, but who knows, I might need that stuff someday. Anyway you can only fit so much stuff in an expansion.

Initially the big thing I wanted out of tokens was, cards you trash for based on the game state. So, they would count things that conventional Victory cards can't, like how many Actions you managed to get into play at once. So I tried several of those and well in the end there's Emporium (which just checks a threshold) and Triumph (an Event). The original concepts didn't work out, but there are a zillion ways to make in this set so it was not much of a loss. A key thing was to try to avoid "golden decks" - where you just make points every turn without pushing the game towards ending. So most of the token stuff is tied to gaining cards, or trashing cards, or will run out some other way.

I didn't try the "bonus" cards for a while. When I finally got to them, they initially didn't matter enough, but it was easy to make them matter more and that all worked out. I made more and more of them and in the end there are 21. It could have been 20 Landmarks, 12 Events, 2 blanks, but I had the extra cards so in they went.

I had Debt from the start (and it had been in the ideas file for years). The first version though was a word on cards, "Debt," that meant you didn't need the to buy the card, but went into Debt. The Debt tokens worked the same way as they do now. One day I thought of using a symbol, and the cards changed to things like "When you gain this during your turn, take [red coin with a 10 on it]." They were like that for a while, before finally I put the symbol into the cost. With Debt a significant concern was that you could just buy the card turn one, and if that was good it seemed like the game could be too scripted. So the big Debt cards always tried to not be good turn one, although it took a while to really get there. Originally the cards could all be bought with , and in the end some have costs too.

And cards that gave you +1 Buy when bought, I made a couple and then it seemed like, that was plenty.

One day Jeff Boschen complained that one of the Debt cards (an earlier version of City Quarter) was dominating games, that in particular you could always get all the copies you needed, even in a 2-player game. And I thought, hmmm, I could have piles that were only 5 cards. And then from there went immediately to, wait, 5 cards, then 5 of another card. And I tried some cards like that and it seemed pretty cool. You get to tie together the cards somehow. A big issue was making sure you would get through the top 5 often enough; not necessarily every game, but you know, not as some rare thing. So three are cheap cantrips, and Gladiator eats its own pile for you.

I had no plans to have any Duration cards in this set, then somehow tried one, and then a couple more. The original one didn't make it but there are two Duration cards. The objection all these years was the amount of rulebook space Duration cards took in Przystań, but in Adventures that rulebook space was small enough to not seem so bad to repeat.

Dominion is a medieval game; ancient Rome is not medieval. I remained wishy-washy on that issue, not quite wanting to go full-on ancient Rome. In the end the set is called Empires and has a bunch of Roman things. Roman empires were around for a while in various forms, extending into medieval times, so there.

Late in the going, Scott Colcord took it upon himself to get all of the recommended sets played. The recommended sets don't always get much attention and well these ones did make it to a table or two.

Empires started out as a kind of Prosperity sequel. And ended up as one; it has super-spendy cards (though you can pay for them later), more Treasures than other non-Prosperity sets, tokens, even a Treasure that makes and an Event that gets you 15. One of Prosperity's less-obvious themes is player interaction; it ups the non-attack interaction to cope with having fewer attacks (which in turn was to make sure Kolonia was reachable in enough games). Empires has that too. There are again only three attacks, but the 3 Gathering cards are all interactive, plus Chariot Race and Gladiator, plus Castles in that way piles can be; the split piles cause more competition for cards; and then some of the Events are interactive and many Landmarks are, and those don't even take up space in the usual 10 Kingdom cards.

I used every good Event idea that I had in Adventures. Still, why not try to make more? tokens helped a lot, and I ended up with 13 new Events.

Recommended Sets of 10

Tylko Imperium

Basic Intro [obrazki]
Zamki Wyścig rydwanów Dzielnica Inżynier Targ rolny
Forum Legionista Patrycjusz Ofiara Willa
Dodatkowe karty
Zaślubiny Wieża
Advanced Intro [obrazki]
Archiwum Kapitał Katapulta Korona Czarodziejka
Gladiator Ogrodnik Królewski kowal Osadnicy Świątynia
Dodatkowe karty
Arena Łuk triumfalny

Imperium & Dominion

Everything in Moderation [obrazki]
Czarodziejka Forum Legionista Władca Świątynia
Piwnica Biblioteka Przebudowa Wioska Warsztat
Dodatkowe karty
Gratka Sad
Silver Bullets [obrazki]
Katapulta Klejnot Targ rolny Ogrodnik Patrycjusz
Urzędnik Ogrody Laboratorium Targowisko Lichwiarz
Dodatkowe karty
Podbój Akwedukt

Imperium & Intryga

Delicious Torture [obrazki]
Zamki Korona Czarodziejka Ofiara Osadnicy
Baron Most Harem Huta żelaza Oprawca
Dodatkowe karty
Bankiet Arena
Buddy System [obrazki]
Archiwum Kapitał Katapulta Inżynier Forum
Maskarada Osada górnicza Szlachta Giermek Faktoria
Dodatkowe karty
Solna klątwa Wilcze leże

Imperium & Przystań

Boxed In [obrazki]
Zamki Wyścig rydwanów Obozowisko Czarodziejka Gladiator
Wyławiacz Przemytnicy Strateg Magazyn Nabrzeże
Dodatkowe karty
Podatek Mur
King of the Sea [obrazki]
Archiwum Targ rolny Władca Świątynia Dziki gon
Zdobywca Przystań Wioska tubylców Okręt piracki Morska wiedźma
Dodatkowe karty
Zejście Fontanna

Imperium & Alchemy

Collectors [obrazki]
Dzielnica Korona Obozowisko Czarodziejka Targ rolny
Apothecary Apprentice Herbalist Transmute University
Dodatkowe karty
Potion Kolumnada Muzeum

Imperium & Złoty wiek

Big Time [obrazki]
Kapitał Gladiator Patrycjusz Królewski kowal Willa
Bank Płatnerz Wielki targ Kredyt Królewska pieczęć
Dodatkowe karty
Platyna Kolonia Dominacja Obelisk
Gilded Gates [obrazki]
Wyścig rydwanów Dzielnica Obozowisko Ogrodnik Dziki gon
Biskup Monument Mincerz Domokrążca Talizman
Dodatkowe karty
Platyna Kolonia Bazylika Pałac

Imperium & Róg obfitości

Zookeepers [obrazki]
Władca Ofiara Osadnicy Willa Dziki gon
Odpust Banda koniokradów Menażeria Błazen Turniej rycerski
Dodatkowe karty
Aneksja Kolumnada

Imperium & Hinterlands

Simple Plans [obrazki]
Katapulta Forum Patrycjusz Świątynia Willa
Border Village Develop Haggler Ill-Gotten Gains Stables
Dodatkowe karty
Datek Labirynt
Expansion [obrazki]
Zamki Klejnot Obozowisko Inżynier Legionista
Cache Farmland Highway Spice Merchant Tunnel
Dodatkowe karty
Pole bitwy Fontanna

Imperium & Dark Ages

Tomb of the Rat King [obrazki]
Zamki Wyścig rydwanów Dzielnica Legionista Ofiara
Death Cart Fortress Pillage Rats Storeroom
Dodatkowe karty
Ruins Trait dla karty '
Awans Grobowiec
Triumph of the Bandit King [obrazki]
Kapitał Klejnot Inżynier Ogrodnik Legionista
Bandit Camp Catacombs Hunting Grounds Market Square Procession
Dodatkowe karty
Trait dla karty '
Triumf Sprofanowane sanktuarium
The Squire's Ritual [obrazki]
Archiwum Katapulta Korona Patrycjusz Osadnicy
Feodum Hermit Ironmonger Rogue Squire
Dodatkowe karty
Trait dla karty '
Rytuał Muzeum

Imperium & Guilds

Cash Flow [obrazki]
Zamki Dzielnica Inżynier Gladiator Królewski kowal
Baker Butcher Doctor Herald Soothsayer
Dodatkowe karty
Łaźnia Przełęcz

Imperium & Adventures

Area Control [obrazki]
Kapitał Katapulta Klejnot Korona Targ rolny
Coin of the Realm Page Relic Treasure Trove Wine Merchant
Dodatkowe karty
Bankiet Twierdza
No Money No Problems [obrazki]
Archiwum Obozowisko Królewski kowal Świątynia Willa
Dungeon Duplicate Hireling Peasant Transmogrify
Dodatkowe karty
Mission Fort rozbójników
Karty Inżynier DzielnicaKrólewski kowalWładca Obozowisko/ZdobyczOsadnicy/Gwarna wioskaPatrycjusz/Emporium CzarodziejkaGladiator/FortunaKatapulta/GłazyTarg rolnyWyścig rydwanówZamki (DostatniKrólewskiMałyNawiedzonyNiszczejącyOkazałyRozległySkromny) OfiaraŚwiątyniaWilla ArchiwumDziki gonForumKapitałKlejnotKoronaLegionistaOgrodnik
Zdarzenia Triumf AneksjaDatek Awans PodatekZejście Bankiet RytuałSolna klątwa Zaślubiny Gratka Podbój Dominacja
Krajobrazy AkweduktArenaBazylikaFontannaFort rozbójnikówGrobowiecKolumnadaLabiryntŁaźniaŁuk triumfalnyMurMuzeumObeliskPałacPole bitwyPrzełęczSadSprofanowane sanktuariumTwierdzaWieżaWilcze leże
Kombinacje i kontry Kapitał/HerbalistDatek/Market SquareDatek/Zejście
Inne DługGromadzeniestos mieszanyżetony Zwycięstwa

Szablon:Navbox Sets