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Linia 30: Linia 30:
* {{Way|Way of the Turtle}}
* {{Way|Way of the Turtle}}
* {{Way|Way of the Worm}}
* {{Way|Way of the Worm}}
== Galeria ==
{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Butterfly}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Camel}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Chameleon}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Frog}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Goat}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Horse}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Mole}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Monkey}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Mouse}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Mule}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Otter}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Owl}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Ox}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Pig}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Rat}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Seal}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Sheep}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Squirrel}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Turtle}}{{LandscapeImage|Way of the Worm}}
== Trivia ==
=== In other languages ===
* Dutch: Spoor
* German: Weg
=== Preview ===
|Text=First we have Ways. There are 20 of these. Okay so. They're [[landscape|landscape cards]] like [[Event]]s and [[Landmark]]s and [[Project]]s. You deal them out the same way, except, don't use more than one Way per game (that's my advice anyway). A Way gives an alternate use to all [[Action]] cards that game. When you play an Action card, pick, do you want its normal function, or do you want the Way. If you want the Way, you just do what the Way says, that's that. It's like Action cards all say, "Choose one: that Way thing, or what this normally does." We turn the Action card sideways to remember which ones did the Way. Stuff below a dividing line is unaffected; if it's like, "While this is in play, something something," that will still happen.
Ways work any time you play an Action card. This means for example that if you play {{Card|Sheepdog}} via its [[reaction]], that can still use a Way if you want. If you [[Throne Room variant|Throne Room]] a card, it could be the Way the first time, not-the-Way the second time, or any combination. As always there's a rulebook, you'll get to see it eventually.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?topic=20142.0 Menagerie Previews 4: Ways and Events]
=== Secret History ===
|Text=I tried several new kinds of [[landscape]] cards for the set. The one that stuck was Ways, which let any [[Action]] be played for a particular effect. I liked the vanilla ones right away.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[http://forum.dominionstrategy.com/index.php?topic=20260.0 The Secret History of Dominion: Menagerie]
=== Further development history ===
|Text=I was trying to think of new kinds of landscapes. Somehow I put on my list, "alternate use for actions." That's actions, not action cards. Instead of playing a card, I can do this thing. Thinking it through, it didn't seem very good. One issue is, it discourages you from buying Action cards. I could fix that by requiring an Action card - you play an Action card to do a different thing than normal. I was concerned it might be too slow, but I could just try it and see. And hey it would work with Horses. So I tried it and there they are.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2398762/article/34445882#34445882 The Secret History of Dominion: Menagerie]
=== Designing Ways ===
|Text=There was no specific difference for the Ways vs. anything else. I had the concept and tried very simple things. They worked so I made more things. I looked at all the various basic effects and tried to do versions, though they didn't always work out, e.g. the {{Card|Workshop}}s. Some bigger effects wouldn't work without costs or limitations, but they could get costs/limitations, so I tried those too. I tried to come up with stuff that specifically made sense in the situation; I tried to make things that involved the card being played, e.g. {{Way|Way of the Turtle|Turtle}}. As usual most things were mechanics-based, not flavor-based.
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[https://discord.com/channels/212660788786102272/212660788786102272/792848436936441896 Dominion Discord, 2020]
=== Theme for each of the Ways ===
{{Way|Way of the Butterfly|Butterfly}} - it turns into something else
{{Way|Way of the Camel|Camel}} - tie-in to {{Card|Camel Train}}
{{Way|Way of the Chameleon|Chameleon}} - changes form
{{Way|Way of the Frog|Frog}} - jumps onto your deck
{{Way|Way of the Goat|Goat}} - tie-in to {{Card|Goat}}
{{Way|Way of the Horse|Horse}} - tie-in to {{Card|Horse}}
{{Way|Way of the Mole|Mole}} - they dig
{{Way|Way of the Monkey|Monkey}} - what animal can possibly be +Buy? it's a human thing. well, monkey, that's close
{{Way|Way of the Mouse|Mouse}} - it does some little thing
{{Way|Way of the Mule|Mule}} - they do some work, they're pack animals
{{Way|Way of the Otter|Otter}} - for the Boons, draw was water, {{Boon|The River's Gift|River}}/{{Boon|The Sea's Gift|Sea}}
{{Way|Way of the Owl|Owl}} - wise owls
{{Way|Way of the Ox|Ox}} - they do work for you
{{Way|Way of the Pig|Pig}} - tie-in to {{Card|Enchantress}}
{{Way|Way of the Rat|Rat}} - tie-in to {{Card|Rats}}
{{Way|Way of the Seal|Seal}} - tie-in to {{Card|Royal Seal}}
{{Way|Way of the Sheep|Sheep}} - an animal you make {{Cost}} from
{{Way|Way of the Squirrel|Squirrel}} - you squirrel away some cards
{{Way|Way of the Turtle|Turtle}} - they're slow
{{Way|Way of the Worm|Worm}} - an animal tied to the land
|Name=[[Donald X. Vaccarino]]
|Source=[https://discord.com/channels/212660788786102272/664122245165219841/709266612699529229 Dominion Discord, 2020]
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Wersja z 14:28, 18 lis 2022

To jest zalążek artykułu. Możesz pomóc edytując jego zawartość
Way of the Sheep - przykład karty typu Droga

Drogi to karty poziome wprowadzone w rozszerzeniu Menagerie i pozwalające na alternatywne sposoby zagrywania kart Akcji. Kiedy zagrywasz kartę akcji, zamiast robić to, co jest wydrukowane na niej wydrukowane, możesz zrobić to, co jest wydrukowane na Drodze używanej w tej grze.

Drogi nie są kartami Królestwa i nie można ich kupić. Jedna lub więcej Dróg, włączone do gry, nie wliczają się do 10 stosów kart Królestwa, znajdujących się w Zasobach. Dla potrzeb gry, Drogi nie są w ogóle uważane za "karty"; każdy tekst odnoszący się do "karty" (jak np. "gracz wymienia nazwę karty") nie ma zastosowania do Dróg. Drogi są drukowane na kartach w orientacji poziomej, z jasnoniebieskimi ramkami.

Dróg jest 20 i dowolna ich liczba może być użyta w rozgrywce. Jednak autor zaleca, aby nie używać w rozgrywce więcej niż jednej Drogi oraz nie więcej niż dwóch kart poziomych spośród Dróg, Zdarzeń, Krajobrazów i Projektów łącznie. Drogi można wybierać w dowolny sposób, na przykład mogą być wtasowane do Separatorów podczas losowania kart Królestwa. Można wówczas włączyć do gry te karty poziome, które zostały wylosowane do momentu wyłonienia 10 kart Królestwa.

Lista Dróg


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